Would you like PCWizKid's Tech Talk to review your product? Our product reviews focus mostly on PC Hardware Components, Gadgets and Peripherals, electronic devices and related software.  Producing video reviews involves rigorous testing to produce informed, practical and unbiased reviews. Our audience use our product reviews to get a better feel for whether a product will fit their needs, and help them make a better buying decision. Because of the time consuming nature of the review process, we ask that all customs, shipping and brokerage charges are paid by YOU the shipper.  We also would reserve the right to keep the product we are reviewing for reuse at our discretion.  In the case of a software or service review, we would require a Full Pro version access. 

PCWizKid's Tech Talk features the most comprehensive and thorough video product reviews on the web. The best way to get your product reviewed is to pitch it, via e-mail to our Marketing Department with your proposal for consideration.  When pitching your product, be sure to include the following information:

  • Overview of the product
  • A press kit if available
  • Availability status (Is it under embargo/NDA? and when is the target date for release?)
  • MSRP Price
  • Product photos